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Mykool's 'Likes' on SoundCloud

Mykool's 'Likes' on SoundCloud

Wednesday 28 April 2021

What They Don't Want You To See. Boston Dynamics and AI. - YouTube

What They Don't Want You To See. Boston Dynamics and AI. - YouTube: Why do Boston Dynamics Robots dance? And Could Elon Musk be right that superhuman AI is only around five years away?Boston Dynamics' Dancing Robots:https://y...

Thursday 7 November 2019

Saturday 21 September 2019

Is Ektoplazm dead?


"Hello everyone! I received a lot of feedback on my last post so I'm writing another quick update to clarify. I haven't been publishing anything new on Ektoplazm in 2019 because I'm focused on relaunching the web site with a new design. I am not planning to review applications nor post new releases until sometime later in the year, after that new design goes live. If anything changes I'll be sure to post another update!

What's coming up next: a complete front-end refresh featuring a new interface and audio player. The site will load faster, be easier to navigate, and you should even be able to use it on your smartphone. This is what I'm working on at this very moment, and it's moving along nicely.

That being said, I need to continue working on the application I've been developing to allow labels and artists to manage their own discographies before new releases start flowing again. That can only happen after launching the new front-end design I've been working so hard on... so in other words, don't expect new releases to resume immediately after the new site launches. I still have a lot of work to do!

The success of this project is entirely dependent on the amount of support I receive on Patreon (as well as donations by other means). If you'd like to help move things along just make a pledge starting at $1/month and encourage others to do the same! Many of you have done so already, and I truly appreciate your support. Until that new site goes live I am a little shy to ask for more... but I can only make so much progress with the resources I have available to me. Check out Ektoplazm's Patreon page for more: https://www.patreon.com/ektoplazm

Anyhow, that's where things are at these days. You won't see me at any summer festival this year; I'm too busy working on this crazy project! But in case you didn't see the news, I opened a second web site for my work as a DJ (which you can also follow on FB: DJ Basilisk / Synaptic FX). Feel free to browse on over and stream or download some of my many mixes from the last 15 years: https://fromearthorbit.com

Stay tuned, the best is yet to come! 👽" - Basilik on Facebook

Sunset Stage - Saturday January 26, 2019 (Rainbow Serpent Festival)


Saturday 31 August 2019

World's safest city for 2019 revealed | CNN Travel

World's safest city for 2019 revealed | CNN Travel: Singapore is rated as the world's second safest city by the Economist. Find out which Asian metropolis is ranked top and which European and US cities also make the list.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Mario Kart Tour for iPhone and Android Launching on September 25

Mario Kart Tour for iPhone and Android Launching on September 25: Nintendo today announced that Mario Kart Tour will be launching on the iPhone and Android next month on September 25th. The game was initially announced by Nintendo almost 1.5 years ago and it was originally supposed to launch by March

The Dark Crystal on Netflix: How the puppetry on Age of Resistance used new tech

The Dark Crystal on Netflix: How the puppetry on Age of Resistance used new tech: The new Netflix-produced prequel to The Dark Crystal promises a return to old school puppet techniques, but there's some sleight of hand to that claim.

Disney+ streaming: Every original show and movie, plus everything else you should know

Disney+ streaming: Every original show and movie, plus everything else you should know: Here’s a rundown of everything you need to know about Disney+, including a list of all the original shows coming to the service.