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Mykool's 'Likes' on SoundCloud

Mykool's 'Likes' on SoundCloud

Monday 15 December 2014


XboxDVR.com is a tribute to Xbox One gamers. Inspired by a personal project for RocketRaceHeroes.com, it quickly became a goal of mine to create a better way of viewing and downloading Xbox One DVR content. It also had to have a great user experience.
After the idea took hold, I couldn't stop until it was complete. Thus XboxDVR.com was born. Easily find and view your own or other gamers' videos. Check out awesome stats on each gamer and video. Search or Filter videos by game. There are many more features and improvements in the works. I just had to share this project with the world.
Have any ideas or feature requests? Found a bug? Just want to say hi and play some Xbox?
Shoot me a line on twitter: @XboxDVR or @nightsurge
Send me a message on Xbox Live: NightSurgeX2

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