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Friday, 20 March 2015

ConFest Official Website • Conference Festival Australia • April 2nd to 8th, 2015

ConFest Official Website • Conference Festival Australia

ConFest is a volunteer run non-profit music, arts, lifestyle and workshop event held in the bush of NSW Australia.
The focus in on bringing people and alternative cultures together to participate in fun events, develop and express ideas, broaden one's horizons, along with promoting personal growth and social evolution.
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Mandana Baker
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Some of the F.A.Q. from the ConFest web site

What is ConFest about?

ConFest is a non-profit volunteer run event, focused on bringing a range of people and alternative cultures together. Together, people enjoy themselves, teach each other, host workshops, play music, dance, discuss ideas, make new friends, enjoy fine food and much more.
ConFest is more than a festivalit is a way for people to discuss, develop, express and implement ideas in a safe and comfortable environment. The workshops and conferencing focus not only on teaching people new skills but finding solutions to problems that people and the world face.
The about page contains more information about ConFest, such as information about the music, arts, workshops and location to name a few.

When is ConFest?

At the DTE Director's Meeting of 6/11/2014, it was passed by the board that an announcement should be made that there will not be a Summer ConFest this year. The next ConFest will be Easter 2015. Many of the current members of the board are retiring at the end of November. Every one of them has put in enormous work over many years for ConFest. The first board meeeting of the new board will be in the first week of December and ConFest Committee will meet the following week. An Easter ConFest will give the new board, committee, members and community elders time to work towards the next ConFest gathering.

The next ConFest will go from the 2nd to the 8th of April, 2015.

How long does it go for?

The upcoming Easter and Autumn ConFest has been extended to 7 days.

How much does it cost and where can I purchase tickets?

Adults tickets are $100 plus two hours contribution and $1 for children 15 years and under. Tickets are available at the gate with there always being space for one more. They can be purchased with cash only at the gate, as no card reading facilities are available at the gate. Read up on more ticketing information.

Where is it?

The current site is approximately 14 km from Moulamein, NSW on the Moulamein-Denniliquin Road. View more information about the location and map.

Who organises ConFest?

The Down to Earth Co-Operative Society has been organising ConFest since 1979, it is an entirely volunteer and not for personal profit organisation. Down to Earth volunteers create the space and necessary amenities for ConFest to happen. The rest of it is created by all ConFesters.
As the event is entirely run by volunteers, each adult attending is asked to contribute two hours to ConFest as part of their ticket; eg. assisting the Info or First Aid tent, greeting people at the Welcome Gate, etc.

How can I volunteer and get involved?

There are a variety of ways you can get involved and volunteer at and with ConFest.
During the festival, you can volunteer for various tasks such as set up, pack down, rubbish clean up and many other areas.
Before and after the festival, you can volunteer and get involved by attending the working bees on the ConFest grounds, attending the meetings, sign workshops, and various other areas.
As part of the adult ticket cost, all adults are asked to contribute and volunteer for 2 hours and help out around ConFest.
To find out more information, please visit the get involved web page.

Why are all adults asked to volunteer for 2 hours as part of their ticket?

As part of the adult ticket cost, you are asked to contribute and volunteer 2 hours of your time to help around ConFest.
ConFest is a not for profit event based on participants contributions, community ideals, communication, volunteering and expression. Your involvement helps the gathering run successfully and smoothly, while creating an active community. ConFest would not run if it were not for the fantastic people that help out, whether for 2 hours or more. No matter how much you help out, every bit of effort is greatly appreciated.
The contributions also greatly assist in keeping ticket costs down for the festival, allowing many people to attend, no matter their financial position.
You can easily contribute through a variety of ways, as listed above in the section how can I volunteer and get involved.

What are the camping areas?

There are a variety of camping areas at ConFest. These include areas where noise can be expected along with many people enjoying themselves well into the night, and areas that are far more quiet for peaceful camping and a good night's sleep.
When camping, remember to take into consideration the type of area you would like to camp and sleep in.
Additionally, for those looking to avoid the noise, a pair of earplugs / noise cancelling earplugs can come in incredibly handy.

What do I do if I have a problem / emergency at ConFest?

Firstly do all you can to be prepared for ConFest to avoid possible problems. More info here;
What to Bring - Fire Information and Restrictions - First Aid Guide - Personal Safety at ConFest
For medical issues please go to First Aid, amongst the volunteers there are doctors, nurses and those with first aid certificates among many other skills. They also have the facilities to contact an ambulance if required.
For security and other problems including, lost property, misplaced friends and relatives please contact a volunteer in the information area.
For fire issues, ie illegal use of personal cookers, candles and other fire etc, please give the information and location to a volunteer at the information area.
For fire emergencies please firstly attend to the saftey of you and the people around you making sure that all era aware of the fire, then attempt to put it out if it is safe to do so as well as sending someone to report the fire and location to a volunteer or to the information area.
For other issues please ask a volunteer at the information area if they can help, and please remember that all ConFest volunteers are giving you the gift of their time and effort, and will do all possible and reasonable to assist in the given circumstances.
For more information visit the FAQ page at: http://confest.org.au/faq

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