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Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Elohim - Journal


Elohim Journal is a leading Australian magazine serving the post-New Age spirituality movement. It began in 1997 as the Sedona Journal of Emergence Australia and New Zealand Edition, and served as its name implied as a South Pacific edition of the popular American channeling magazine, Sedona Journal of Emergence. After nine issues, it adopted its present name. Its first issue under its new name appeared in January 1999. Coeditor Roger Miles traces his involvement with the magazine to 1994 when in Aspen, Colorado, on vacation, he met the owner of a bookstore who also happened to be a trance channeler. The entity speaking through the man identified Miles as a Starship Commander with the Galactic Federation who had come from the Pleiades to Earth to "help take people home." He did not understand the weird encounter at the time, but strange coincidences began to occur. He soon had a feeling that he should leave his business and pay attention to his life's work. In the United States in 1996, he met Robert Shapiro, the channel for an entity named Zoosh, and soon was led to an encounter with O'Ryin Swanson, the founder of the Sedona Journal of Emergence. Swanson was looking for a way to expand her publication to the South Pacific. Shortly thereafter Miles met his new mate and current coeditor of the Journal, Suzanne Stallard. Like its parent, Elohim Journal specializes in reprinting brief articles, often around a general theme, of material channeled by a variety of post-New Age channelers, many of whom reside and/or work in the Sedona, Arizona, area. However, at the same time, there are a number of similar channelers operating in Australia and New Zealand where the New Age Movement had spread through the 1980s. Thus, Elohim Journal has also integrated material from local channelers (some of whom, like Jani King, have an international following) into its various issues. The editors of Elohim Journal,Roger Miles and Suzanne Stallard, see the magazine as serving the larger spiritual emergence movement and seek to provide an overview of humanity's journey into "Light and Love." It includes in each issue notices of new books, especially new volumes of channeled material, that have become available in the South Pacific, and announcements of seminars, special events, and tours from North American and European speakers. Elohim Journal may be ordered from Awakening to the Truth, P.O. Box 722, Spring Hill, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia. Its website is at http://www.elohim.com/.


Elohim Journal. http://www.elohim.com/. February 28, 2000.

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