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Thursday, 10 September 2015

[VIDEOS] Exploring Destiny's New Crucible Maps in The Taken King - IGN (4 videos)

Exploring Destiny's New Crucible Maps in The Taken King - IGN (4 videos)

In about one week's time, Destiny is yet again set to evolve. The evolution of Bungie's shared-world shooter has been ongoing and the developer is yet again listening to fans and implementing some long needed changes. This week we get a preview of what to expect from the Crucible side of things. We already know that the Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris are going on a leave of absence for the time being, but in their place we're getting multiple new gametypes, including the popular Rift mode. Rift is Destiny's Capture the Flag with a few tweaks, including a large detonation that kills anyone near you when scoring some points on the opposing team. Needless to say, it's quite rewarding.

I got some hands on time with Rift on 4 of the 8 new maps that will be coming with The Taken King launch, and will be free to play all this week. Below you can see gameplay on each of those maps and some of the new features you can expect, such as the No Mercy rule when a team is losing by too many points.

One of the standout maps from our gameplay session, Memento features a long narrow street that'll remind you of Asylum this offered fast paced action packed moments on a regular basis. We could see this map becoming a fan favorite.

Dungeons is one of the larger maps we explored, but due to it's scale you would find yourself wandering for a bit before you get a lay of the land. Once you do you'll be meeting up in the central room camping the longer clear hallway or be fighting over heavy ammo on the opposite side.

Admittedly not some of our strongest gameplay as we were up against some high level Crucible players, but still we had a chance to explore the ins and outs of Frontier. The map is set on earth and has an indoor area to take cover and plenty of spots for a sniper to hide and take you out.

Easily our favorite map out of the four, Vertigo features teleportation pathways, sniper perches, and narrow corridors offering different gameplay moments for every player. Not only that, but it takes place on Mercury, one of the most visually striking locales in the game.

While we didn't get much time with the Crucible mode one things for certain. The new additions are more than welcome. Not only do they offer a competitive mode with Rift, but the new maps also reinvigorate your excitement when hopping into the match. Let us know what you think after you try them out [see comments in original article].

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