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Mykool's 'Likes' on SoundCloud

Mykool's 'Likes' on SoundCloud

Saturday, 29 November 2014

▶ In The Zone | No Qualms Records

 In The Zone | No Qualms Records

... ____ ^ ____ .^. ____ ^ ____ ...

In The Zone cover art

1. Out The Front 08:21

2. In The Zone 07:07

3. Crop Circles 06:52

4. Rack Hawk Down 07:46

5. Black Marlin 06:54

6. Direct Intent 06:33

7. Blue Cheeseburgers 07:31

8. vs Anatamous - Futurism (Eclipse Edition) 09:06

9. Fifth Descent 04:28


Thursday, 27 November 2014

Daddy gangbanged raw - Pornhub.com

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Creampie Bareback Gangbang - Pornhub.com

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This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Kahlil Gibran quote - Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. 

Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. 

And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields. 

And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief. 

Much of your pain is self-chosen. 

It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. 

Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the
Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears."

- Khalil Gibran, The Prophet.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Tales From The Borderlands Could Have Been Awful, But It's Great | Kotaku Australia

Tales From The Borderlands Could Have Been Awful, But It's Great | Kotaku Australia

Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great

I’ll admit, I went into Tales from the Borderlands with pretty low expectations. Don’t get me wrong: I like a lot of things about the zany world in which Gearbox’s Borderlands shooter series takes place, but it’s good for… shooting. Tales is an all-story adventure game. Yikes, right?
Note: minor spoilers ahead. I don’t mention specific major plot points, but I do zero in on a couple character moments.
One gun. One bullet. I never fired a shot.
Tales may wear the Borderlands name and visual style like a Psycho re-purposing the entrails of a fallen foe as a wacky costume mustache, but this is more of a Telltale story adventure — think The Walking Deador Wolf Among Us — than it is a “true” Borderlands game. Over the course of the entire first episode I only had one gun — not 87 bazillion — with one bullet in it, and as I said, I never fired it.
That’s a major part of why I really, really enjoyed the first episode of Tales from Borderlands. It knows it’s not a typical Borderlands game, and it goes in unexpected directions because of that. That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of guns on Tales‘ imagining of Pandora. Shooting is just not how I, as a player, interacted with the world. Instead I frantically untied my tongue with timed dialogue choices, solved occasional puzzles, and had both my main characters introduce themselves to the same guy by punching him square in the jaw. You know, for laughs.I’ll admit, I went into Tales from the Borderlands with pretty low expectations. Don’t get me wrong: I like a lot of things about the zany world in which Gearbox’s Borderlands shooter series takes place, but it’s good for… shooting. Tales is an all-story adventure game. Yikes, right?
Note: minor spoilers ahead. I don’t mention specific major plot points, but I do zero in on a couple character moments.
One gun. One bullet. I never fired a shot.
Tales may wear the Borderlands name and visual style like a Psycho re-purposing the entrails of a fallen foe as a wacky costume mustache, but this is more of a Telltale story adventure — think The Walking Deador Wolf Among Us — than it is a “true” Borderlands game. Over the course of the entire first episode I only had one gun — not 87 bazillion — with one bullet in it, and as I said, I never fired it.
That’s a major part of why I really, really enjoyed the first episode of Tales from Borderlands. It knows it’s not a typical Borderlands game, and it goes in unexpected directions because of that. That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of guns on Tales‘ imagining of Pandora. Shooting is just not how I, as a player, interacted with the world. Instead I frantically untied my tongue with timed dialogue choices, solved occasional puzzles, and had both my main characters introduce themselves to the same guy by punching him square in the jaw. You know, for laughs.

Yep, I said “both.” Tales takes place after Borderlands 2 and stars two main characters, Rhys, a Hyperion business shark begrudgingly turned “executive vice janitor” by rival douchebag Vasquez (voiced by Patrick Warburton to great effect), and Fiona, a tough-as-nails con artist with a heart that’s more stone than gold. Rhys wants revenge on his awful boss, Fiona just wants her goddamn money.
The best way to describe Tales is as an interactive movie, a series of scenes, choices, and — yes — quick-time events that live and die on characters and pacing more than they do gibbering packs of baddies and glittering piles of loot. Said quick-time events often look like this, if you’re super cool like my personal favourite character (ish thing), Loader Bot:
Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great
Or like this in the case of Rhys, whose “fights” are often played off for laughs:
Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great
But even more than these scenes, the One Gun I mentioned earlier is indicative of what Tales from the Borderlands is all about: comedy and character drama, mixed into a potent (and slightly explosive) cocktail. A little more than an hour in, a character handed one of my characters that gun. It was a tiny, almost sad pea shooter of a thing. And then the person who gave it to me offered this morsel of wisdom: “Don’t use it unless you have to. Remember: you can talk your way out of more situations than you can shoot your way out of.”
Tales from the Borderlands made me laugh on multiple occasions, but never harder than in that moment. Here was a Borderlands game using its mechanics — not just its plot — to espouse a wisely passive point of view. Borderlands! The one with more guns than any other game maybe ever, where you shoot first and never ask questions even when someone is yelling at you about meat bicycles. It was then that I realised this game knew exactly what it was, and it was having a ton of fun with it — even in its more somber moments.
While Tales‘ first episode has a few more bits like that, make no mistake: this is a comedy adventure, not a grim tragedy like Walking Dead or, to a lesser extent, Wolf Among UsTales‘ pacing lagged in a couple places, but I was grinning pretty much the entire time.
Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great

Before the One Gun bit, which involved Fiona, I had been playing almost exclusively as Rhys. His side of the story, largely a flashback with brilliant unreliable narrator moments (just wait for “break his heart or blow his mind”; trust me, you’ll laugh) was a rollercoaster ride that painted Pandora in a very different light.
This time around I wasn’t some untouchable murdergun demigod as I was in other Borderlands games. I was a wimpy office rat, a cowardly Handsome Jack Jr who couldn’t even throw a punch, let alone draw blood or break a neck. The best he could muster was a stun baton (if he was lucky) and a neat cyberpunk scanning eyeball, which told me useful information about objects and people. Or jokes. OK, mostly jokes. I could use it pretty much anywhere, like this:
Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great
Admittedly, Tales from the Borderlands is hardly the first game to pull this sort of strong-to-weak player character switcheroo (see also: Halo ODST, DLC for games like BioShock, brief moments in a handful of other action games), but it’s always a breath of fresh air in series where you’re usually the thing monsters don’t want to find under their beds.
Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great
In Tales it allowed for some great perspective (especially when certain familiar faces got involved) and even better comedy. My favourite character in the entire episode emerged from a scene involving Rhys’ general inability to harm so much as a mutated million-eyed Pandora fly. He was (spoiler warning) a loader bot — called down from Hyperion’s moon base to defend Rhys from bandits — with some, er, personality quirks. “WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE PUNISH THE GOOD,” the massive bot’s tin can voice bellowed. “WAR… DOES NOT COMPUTE. WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?” (end spoiler)
By and large, the episode does a great job of switching back-and-forth between moments of over-the-top wackiness and serious, endearingly human interactions that make you realise, “Oh shit, I actually kinda have emotions about what’s happening here.” It’s the mark of a good adventure tale: the core is simple fun — quick laughs, ridiculous action — but it’s fun you care about. Tales has actual heart that many video game action-adventure stories lack. It’s still, you know, a basic action-adventure, but its characters are more Uncharted than Call of Duty, or even typical Borderlands, for that matter.
Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great
That said, the core four-person crew is littered with archetypes. You’ve got your douchey main dude with generally decent intentions (who, again, is a little too similar to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel‘s not-evil-yet Handsome Jack), badass lady who’s hiding some serious hurt (Fiona), gearhead girl who goes gaga for all gadgets (Fiona’s sister, Sasha), and booksmart dude who’s awful at everything else (Rhys’ best friend, Vaughn).
What makes Tales work — and I mean really work — is that it takes all of these archetypes outside their comfort zones in wildly amusing ways. And when they’re briefly split up into pairs and forced to really get to know each other? Those are probably the best segments in the whole game. So many charming little nuances, not to mention possible glimpses of character developments to come.
This is where Telltale’s much-loved/occasionally loathed dialogue system really shines, too — in these slower moments, these scraps of incidental character development. Rhys, for instance, is kind of a dick. That’s his whole thing. And it’s tempting to play up that side of him in dialogue choices because a) he’s constantly making an arse out of himself anyway and b) Pandora is an extremely hostile place; it almost feels right to snarl and bare your teeth back at it. I rarely play characters that way, and even I was doing it almost unconsciously.

Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great
But then I realised I was seeing him at a crossroads, between being a total jerk and an alright guy with dickish tendencies. Each dialogue choice was a map of his thought processes. I could steer him one way or another by choosing things like whether to emphasise Vaughn’s role in Rhys’ (short-lived) rise to power or take all the credit for it, snatch the holy grail and gulp the glory. In that sense, it’s cool that he’s — on a surface level, at least — similar to Handsome Jack, because I feel like this is the not-a-cartoon-super-villain version of Jack’s character progression. I felt in control of the subtleties of it. I really liked that.
That said, THIS SERIES REALLY NEEDS TO GET OVER ITS HANDSOME JACK OBSESSION. He was a pretty solid villain, but please do something different already. That’s all I’ll say on that point. Anything else would involve major spoilers. Play Tales and see if you agree with me.
Oh, you might have noticed that I’m discussing Rhys a lot. That’s because Fiona isn’t nearly as interesting. At least, not yet. Her segments aren’t boring or anything. They just don’t really pop. Arguably even her supporting cast is better than she is, but we also get to know Rhys a lot better in the first episode than we do Fiona. I’m hoping for more from her in future episodes. Right now she’s kinda just A BorderlandsLeading Lady — which is to say, tough and capable, but stoic and a little dull. Her scenes involve some fun, tense deception (she is a con artist, after all), but I never found myself caring about her the way I did Rhys, Vaughn, or even her sister, Sasha. Oh, and Loader Bot. I cannot forget Loader Bot. I will never forget Loader Bot.
Tales From The Borderlands Could've Been Awful, But It's Great
Beyond that, my complaints are the sort often leveled at Telltale games: character animations are stiff, there are some audio glitches, and the quick-time events — while fairly benign in the grand scheme of QTEs — are kind of an antiquated way to involve players in a story. They’re a giant set of [INSERT GAMEPLAY HERE] brackets, only nobody ever filled them in.
But man, I felt such a mix of joy and relief when the credits rolled on this one. It could’ve been a disaster given that this setting was made for shooters — not character drama comedies — and the main characters seemed like a bunch of Borderlands B-teamers. Instead I found a heartfelt (albeit hardly revolutionary) adventure tale, one that exuded a sense of no-holds-barred zaniness from every pore. I’ve always enjoyed Borderlands, but I’ve never really cared about it. If Tales from the Borderlands keeps this up, that may very well change.
Tales from the Borderlands: Episode One will be out later today. It’s the first in a five-part episodic series that will release in the coming months. I played the Steam version, which last me a little over two hours.

Q&A - How does one practice healthy sexuality - Louix Dor Dempriey (Facebook)

Q&A - How does one practice healthy sexuality? - Louix Dor Dempriey (Facebook)

Question: Why do so many spiritual masters place an emphasis on celibacy? What is the way for people to practice healthy sexuality without going to the extreme of becoming celibate?
Louix: It is impossible (and would be foolish) for me to speak for other spiritual masters, but I can speak for myself. In all the years of my ministry, and of all the many thousands of people I have counseled, I have only suggested celibacy to three individuals—and, even at that, this was only for a set period of time. While I do not advocate celibacy as a permanent way of life, celibacy is a very powerful vehicle to attain the exalted state of Detachment. For the record, I do advocate abstaining from intercourse before marriage (which many confuse as being equal to celibacy, which it is not). There are many reasons for this, many blessings to be gained from it, while still leaving unlimited ways to express and share physical and sexual intimacy.
At the same time, I both honor and respect anyone’s choice to live a celibate lifestyle. It is not for everyone, however, and, in fact, can be very damaging (if not dangerous) when practiced without proper training or guidance. Anyone who (still experiences sexual desires, consciously or unconsciously and) chooses to practice celibacy would be wise to practice some form of pranayama (sacred breathing techniques) to move the life force energy (qi, chi, prana) up through the chakras. The very dearth of this training and practice by celibates is the sole cause of all the sexual molestation which is seen in some religions (the Catholic Church might make the headlines in the news, but this exists in other religions, too—and not just in the clergy). Some religions/churches mandate the suppression of this natural bodily function, but fail to offer training for an alternative means to move the energy. Because lava always finds the weak spot in the rock, any unhealthy type of suppression will find unhealthy expression elsewhere (in all arenas, not just the sexual one).
It is also important for me to clarify, by the way, that sex does not necessarily move energy the way pranayama does, nor is it at all times the healthiest way to move energy for a given individual in a given moment. The breath is the most powerful tool we have, and it can be used not only to transcend sexual desires, but also to heal any disease, perform many miraculous feats, and to directly experience God. (There are also other sacred techniques—like Qi Gong, T’ai Chi, and some forms of yoga—which can move the life force energy in a way that can help ones to safely and comfortably live a celibate lifestyle.)
Practicing healthy sexuality begins with regarding your own body as a temple of God, the very tabernacle which houses your soul. It is important to place your primary focus on self-love and self-worth, and making it your highest priority to increase these divine aspects of your consciousness. The sharing of your body with other(s) needs to be held as a most sacred act, an expression of love (rather than of “need”). Sexuality stemming from need only creates more dependency and unfulfillment, for desire is the cause of all suffering.
What is most important in any relationship (including ones where there is no sexual expression: family, friends, co-workers, etc.) is to develop intimacy. Second only to the primordial fear of death is the human fear of intimacy. And, believe it or not, most people engage in sex to avoid intimacy, the same way people chatter and babble and gossip to avoid intimacy. In fact, over 80% of all human speech is wasted words, “filler” used by people who fear the intimacy which naturally occurs and presents itself every time two or more people come together and have the opportunity to express their love for one another.
Seek to see and experience God in every thing, in every encounter, and you will find a richness and tapestry in/of life that you never dreamed possible. Make the effort to become vulnerable. Your true power lies in your defenselessness. God seeks to engage with us in every moment. The Beloved waits at every corner, between every breath, before every sentence. What I teach—and why I walk this Earth—is to invite everyone into The Divine Romance. Herein lies Life’s greatest treasure, greatest experience, greatest achievement, and greatest reward.
- Louix Dor Dempriey
(Photo sourced through Google Images)

iTunes - Musik – "You're Under Control“ by Neelix

iTunes - Musik – "You're Under Control“ by Neelix

Neelix - You´re Under Control (Album Set 2013)

1 I Didn't Mean to Cry - Neelix - 7:41

2 Voices - Neelix - 8:13

3 Disco Decay (Edit 2008) - Neelix - 7:56

4 You're Under Control - Neelix - 8:15

5 Dirty Buddy (Neelix Remix) - Meller - 7:31

6 Smoke & Mirrors - Neelix - 6:48

7 Glitter Pink (Neelix Remix) - Day.Din & DJ Fabio - 7:34

8 Never Look Behind (Neelix Remix) - S.U.N. Project - 8:16

9 Sleepwalk - Neelix - 7:12

10 - Ask the Right Questions - Neelix - 6:44

Spin Twist records (C) 2008




Sweet Sissy Dreams (Anna Malice) - Pornhub.com [feedly]

Sweet Sissy Dreams (Anna Malice) - Pornhub.com [feedly]

It’s been a while and Numberonefan is back with a new sissy video ;)
Perfect to watch on another sissy weekend ;)
Anyway, “Sweet Sissy Dreams” is another powerful sissy artwork…
It will get into your sissy mind and enter your deepest sissy dreams…
Your nature, your lust for cock and your desire to serve real men ;)

Anna Malice

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Raw Deep Dish Pizza • The Raw Food World News

Raw Deep Dish Pizza • The Raw Food World News

The Raw Food World News

This Raw Deep Dish Pizza is to die for! People have been begging me to share this recipe after seeing the video clip from Angela’s birthday party. I made this pizza from scratch and I doubt you’ve ever seen anything like this before!
It tastes just like the ‘real’ deep-dish pizza, but this one is 100% raw! The crust is soft and chewy, tomato sauce is fresh, and cheese is absolutely divine. And you can get creative with the toppings!
In fact, people on the Standard American Diet sampled some of this pizza and couldn’t just stop at one slice, but almost everyone had ten slices each! So, enough talking and let’s dive into the recipe!

Yield: 1 raw pizza | Prep:  | Process/Cook:  | Ready In: 

It tastes just like the 'real' deep-dish pizza, but this one is 100% raw! The crust is soft and chewy, tomato sauce is fresh, and cheese is absolutely divine. And you can get creative with the toppings!

Kitchen Tools / Equipment Needed:

Ingredients / Grocery List:

Pizza Dough Ingredients
*Note: Almond pulp is required when making the raw pizza dough. You can get almond pulp by first whipping up a batch of raw almond milk. If you triple this raw almond milk recipe here, you will have the almond pulp that you need.
  • 2 1/2 cups coconut meat
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 6 large (or 12 small) dates
  • 3 cups almond pulp*
  • 1/2 to 1 cup psyllium
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup flax seeds , as meal (ground flax seeds)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 heaping tsp garlic powder
  • 1 heaping tsp pink Himilayan salt
Cheese Ingredients
Tomato Sauce Ingredients
  • 2 cups sun dried tomatoes , soaked for 2 hours
  • 3 heaping tbsp + 1 level tbsp Sea Clear (and/or dried herbs to your liking)
  • 3 to 4 baby FRESH tomatoes

Instructions / Directions / Method:

Pizza Dough Directions
  1. Blend together the coconut meat, garlic, and dates until well incorporated. Set aside.
  2. In a food processor, combine the rest of the ingredients and pulse until it all comes together.
  3. Add coconut meat, garlic, and date mixture into the food processor; process until it's all mixed well.
  4. Spread the dough on a dehydrator tray, keeping it thick for DEEP DISH crust (or you may make it thinner for a thin crust pizza).
  5. Place the dough in the dehydrator and dehydrate at 115º F for 13 hours.
Cheese Directions
  1. Rinse the soaked pine nuts.
  2. Place all ingredients in the food processor.
  3. Process until cheezy!
Tomato Sauce Directions
  1. Separate the soaked sun-dried tomatoes from the water (set the water aside). Only put the soaked sun-dried tomatoes in a food processor or blender.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
  3. Optional: Add in the sun-dried tomato soaking water to moisturize it more, when needed.
Putting it all together
If you decide to included marinated mushrooms as toppings, here are the steps: mix mushrooms, coconut aminossea salt, and olive oil overnight in the fridge.
  1. After 13 hours, remove the pizza dough from the dehydrator.
  2. Spread liberal amounts of tomato sauce over the pizza dough. (You may have some sauce leftover depending how much sauce you like on your pizza - reserve it for another dish or use it as a dipping sauce.)
  3. Slice large tomatoes into thin slices and cover the entire pizza, overlapping it if you wish.
  4. Carefully spread the cheese mixture over the entire pizza, covering all edges of the pizza crust.
  5. Add any toppings as you wish, such as avocado slices, mushrooms, olives, onions, or marinated mushrooms.
  6. Return the fully loaded pizza back into the dehydrator and dehydrate at 115º F for 2 hours.
  7. Voilà! It is ready to be served! ENJOY!

Raw Food Recipe Deep Dish Pizza - Youtube Video

Raw Deep Dish Pizza - The Raw Food World - News

You can finally watch Microsoft's 'E.T.' documentary on Xbox

Atari: Game Over documentary - Now Available on Xbox

[Image credit: John Thien for Engadget]

Last summer, a team of excavators, archaeologists, filmmakers, and video game fans unearthed the industry’s biggest secret. And today, exclusively on Xbox One and Xbox 360, you can see the story of the biggest buried not-quite-treasure in gaming: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600.

The new documentary “
Atari: Game Over” tells the real-life tale of one of video game’s biggest urban legends: that, in 1983, Atari dumped thousands of unsold copies of the notoriously bad E.T. video game in a New Mexico landfill.

Produced by Academy Award- and Emmy Award-winning producers Simon and Jonathan Chinn
and directed by comic book movie veteran Zak Penn, “Atari: Game Over” explores the video game industry’s first bubble and collapse, as well as the golden age of video games, through the lens of the excavation.

Penn is perhaps best known for film-writing credits like “X2: X-Men United” and “Marvel’s The Avengers,” action-heavy films with big budgets. And while the actual dig site scene is described as “similar to an action scene, but on a very low budget,” the making of a documentary was a different experience for the director.

“A documentary is a search for the story,” Penn explained, “whereas I’m used to trying to preserve the story I’ve created.”

That fateful day in Alamogordo, New Mexico drew a crowd of people eager to see the legend brought to life... or the long-whispered theory debunked. As the first cartridge came up, the crew breathed a sigh of relief as their efforts were rewarded. The throngs of people present only added to the experience. Penn says he was “completely shocked” by the support from the crowd.

A feature of “Atari: Game Over,” powered by Xbox technology, is the ability to leave time-shifted comments that stay on the film’s timeline, so that your friends can see what you said as they experience the same point in the film. Additional comments are embedded by director Zak Penn thorough key moments.

As far as 
E.T. goes, the game has been maligned for decades as “the worst video game ever,” but Penn sees it differently. “It’s so far from the worst video game that it’s absurd. I came to appreciate it as the story unfolded.”

“Atari: Game Over” is available starting today on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and 
Xbox Video, and it is free for all Xbox Live subscribers to watch.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Nature | HD Wallpapers

Nature | HD Wallpapers - http://topwalls.net/category/nature/

You can download in many different sizes including sizes for various smartphones.

Nature | HD Wallpapers





This is a clip from the documentary, "BEYOND," featuring photographer Joey L. Set in Varanasi, India. The documentary by filmmaker Cale Glendening follows Joey and his assistant Ryan as they complete their latest photo series- "Holy Men." Almost every major religion breeds ascetics; wandering monks who have renounced all earthly possessions, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of spiritual liberation.Their reality is dictated only by the mind, not material objects. Even death is not a fearsome concept, but a passing from the world of illusion.

"And see sun. He's a friend of the whole world. He doesn't say, "I am your enemy, I cannot come to your house." Even though you are an enemy, you are a friend. He comes to everyone. Just like that - we should also be. Showing brightness to everyone." - Mahesh | Film By Cale Glendening

Full Documentary Here:


I LOVED CLUBBING in 1990's! - a Facebook Group

I LOVED CLUBBING in 1990's! - a Facebook Group with music videos.

Fraudulent Android Porn Apps Infesting Google Play

Fraudulent Android Porn Apps Infesting Google Play

Friday, 21 November 2014

How do i factory restore my toshiba satellte P750/P755 - Fixya.com

How do i factory restore my toshiba satellte P750/P755 - Fixya.com

Toshiba laptops from mid 2007 onwards don't have a recovery disc supplied with a purchase of a laptop
Instead, Toshiba has added a hidden partion on the hard drive which contains the same files on a recovery CD/ DVD.

To reinstall your laptop to the factory settings/ "out of the box" settings, please follow these steps. It worked for me, and should work for you.


1) Hold down the power button for 10 (ten) seconds to switch off your machine. 

Please note: Holding down the power button on the machine forces it to switch off. Any unsaved data will be lost.

2) Press and hold the 0 (zero) key and at the same time, tap the power button once to switch on your notebook.
3) When the machine Starts beeping; release the 0 key.
4) When prompted by the warning screen; select Yes to continue with the system recovery.
5) Select Recovery of Factory Default Software; click Next.
6) Select Recover to out-of-box state. Click Next again.
7) Click Next to Start recovery. 

I hope you find this step by step solution helpful for you. 


How to Reset Toshiba satellite laptop to Factory Settings - YouTube

How to Reset Toshiba satellite laptop to Factory Settings - YouTube

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide - Restoring the pre-installed software from your created Recovery Media

Restoring the pre-installed software from your created Recovery Media

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide - System Recovery Options

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide - Creating Recovery Media

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide - Creating Recovery Media

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide - Restoring the pre-installed software from the recovery hard disk drive

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide - Restoring the pre-installed software from the recovery hard disk drive

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide (PDF)

Toshiba.com - Forum - P750 User Guide (PDF)


Thursday, 20 November 2014

The best blogging apps for iPhone and iPad | idownloadblog.com | September 28, 2014

The best blogging apps for iPhone and iPad | idownloadblog.com | September 28, 2014

If you participate in the digital information age through blogging, then you know how difficult it is to keep up with your daily posts. Whether you are just too busy, or don’t want to sit in front of your computer after your workday is over, writing and publishing can be a daunting task.

There are a handful of excellent mobile apps that make it easier to stay active in the blogosphere while on the go. We’ve got a list of what we think are the best blogging apps for the iPhone and iPad for you today.

Complete (long) article:


Blogsy for iPad

Blogsy for iPad


Drag & Drop your pictures and videos straight into your blog post.

Drag & Drop Your Pictures

Drag & Drop photos from your Flickr, Picasa, Facebook, Instagram, blog's media library, iPad photo library right into your blog post. Choose pictures from any album, set, or friends’ photos. Or search across the whole site. All it takes is a finger to drag and place the photo into your blog post. Have more than one account? That’s not a problem as Blogsy supports as many accounts as you have. See this in action in our "Drag and Drop" how-to video.


5 Ways To Delete Contacts on iPhone | Wikihow

5 Ways To Delete Contacts on iPhone | Wikihow


Companion App Update Rolling Out Now - Assassin's Creed Unity Updates | Ubisoft (US)

Companion App Update Rolling Out Now - Assassin's Creed Unity Updates | Ubisoft (US)

The Companion App is receiving an update today that is currently being rolled out to mobile devices. 

Version 1.0.2 includes the following improvements: 

  • Stability and performance Added support for Russian and Japanese languages 
  • Fixes for an issue that causes progression to be reset 
  • Fixes the “Lost Assassin” bug for new and existing players 

Once you have applied the patch you may need to log out and back in again for the app to properly sync with your console.

For more information on how the App works with the game please check out our UbiBlog post: Assassin's Creed Companion App FAQ

We are also keeping track of Known Issues on the forums for the companion app.

As always, please leave us a comment below or if you’re having specific issues contact Ubisoft Customer Support.


IOS Version:

iPad – 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2, mini, mini 2, mini 3
iPhone – 4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus
iPod touch 5th generation

Android Version:

ASUS Transformer Pad – TF300T, TF300TG, TF300TL
GOOGLE Nexus – 4, 5, 7 2012, 7 2013, 10
HTC – One, One Dual Sim, One S, One X, One X+
LGE – G Pro 2, G2
SAMSUNG Galaxy Note – 10.1, 10.1 2014 Edition, 10.1 3G & Wifi, 8.0, II, II LTE, III, Pro 12.2, Note3, Note3 (Japan), Note3.0
SAMSUNG Galaxy – Round, S II, S III, S III Mini, S3 Neo Plus, S4, S4 Active, S4 mini, S5, S5 Active, S5 LTE, Tab 3 (8.0), Tab 3 7.0, Tab 3 7.0 4G, Tab II 10.1, Tab II 7.0, Tab Pro 10.1, Tab Pro 12.2, TabS 10.5, TabS 8.4
SONY ERICSSON Xperia – SP, SP (HSPA+), SP (LTE), Tablet Z, Xperia Z, Z Ultra, Z1, Z1 (HSPA), Z1 Compact, Z1F, Z2, Z2 Tablet

For more versions see the Ubisoft AC:U link:
