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Sunday 2 November 2014

Today was a big day for Android, but there's more to come | Android Central [feedly]


Google's still not done, and we love it

Whew, what a day, right? Google threw out all the stops all at once and we had a veritable flood of Android today, and chances are there was something to love in the mix for each of us. The Nexus 6, The Nexus 9, The Nexus Player and Lollipopcame at us with a fury, and the overload felt really damn good.

Of course, we'll have discussion about what we saw, the good and bad, the expensive and the cheap, and how bad we want all of it anyway over the next few weeks while we wait. But we have to remember that Google isn't done yet! There's a good bit more in the pipes and on it's way to us, and we can get just as excited all over again.

Let's discuss what is still in store for Android fans

Android Wear

Android Wear

We know there's a big Android Wear update for Lollipop in the works, because Google told us there was. We expect things like proper APIs for developers to build things like watch faces, better support for GPS, the ability to store music on your watch and play it back without a connection to your phone, and probably more. That's good news, because some of the coming watches from companies like Sony will have the hardware that needs supported.

Plenty of rumors put that big update as due today, but it's far more likely that we won't see anything until the Lollipop source code itself is ready for public consumption. Speaking of which ...

Source code and OTA updates

Android L preview

Google's not yet ready to unleash the beast, and we haven't got a date for any officialAndroid 5.0 software for any devices. We do get a crack at a new developer preview on October 17 (Soon.) but nobody knows how close to finished things will be.

Of course, for plenty of Android fans the code itself will be more important. When this happens, expect from-source builds for phones like the Nexus 5 in very short order from your favorite development team. This will also allow for Lollipop on devices not slated for "official" support. Fun times ahead on this front, indeed.

New Google Apps

The new Google Play

With a new version of Android, comes new versions of Google's popular applications. We've seen some, like the new Google Play app or the updated Androidify app, but we fully expect to see some sort of overhaul of the rest. When you have a nifty new tablet and keyboard, you'll want your apps to work flawlessly with it. Expect updates to trickle out and a full dump of everything once a new Nexus gets into the right hands.

Android Auto

Android Auto

Google's been mostly silent on their Android Auto plans. We know they have lofty goals, and we know they are serious. When these two things happen, we love to see how Google will throw money at a project to see what happens. We heard nothing about Android Auto today, but we expect some sort of news to slowly come out of Mountain View as we get closer to a planned launch. Aftermarket head units, please Google!

What about the Nexus 5?

Nexus 5

The Nexus 5 is still listed in Google Play. We all think there's a very good chance Google will continue to sell the N5, and they should. A 6-inch phone isn't for everyone, and the Nexus 5 will hopefully run Lollipop like a champ.

Nexus 6 availability and on-contract pricing

Nexus 6

T-Mobile was quick to let everyone know about their Nexus 6 plans, but we still need solid information about contract pricing and availability dates. While we love the idea of buying unlocked and off-contract, here in the states carrier agreements are what sells phones. Google knows this, and so does your carrier. Expect some very carefully worded news on all the pricing and release dates soon.

Of course, Google is always planning and thinking of ways to bring us things we feel compelled to use. They may certainly have other things in store for the near future, but this is a list of the things we expect to hear about.

It's a good time to be an Android fan.



Today was a big day for Android, but there's more to come


Yes, nice idea. The Toshiba Chromebook 2 also sounds rather good. Chrome itself must be getting some changes so it can run many Android Apps, I wonder when?

Awesome AC.

This is so exciting. I really can't wait to see which of the phones I want. Now between Droid Turbo and Nexus 6. I am from back in the day when a cell phone was a bag phone from Radio Shack or a brick from Moto. It is so interesting to see how quickly Google can advance technology when they have the money and will. I have the will it's just the money that's lacking. I look forward to AC's reviews and info on all of the products.

That's Funny! I would love to have Ara, too. But for me, it is between the Nexus 6 and the Note Edge (If it comes to the states)...

Great points on all fronts Jerry, and you are correct that it is a great time to be Android fan. The fact that Google is supporting as many older devices with Android L as they are, at least this first full release, made a lot of people happy today.

Agree with you completely. I've noticed the big difference between Google and Apple- Google and Android are trying to support older devices. One of the big points of Android L (its hard to make that switch to Lollipop) is it can be supported on older phones because it takes less resources and processing power. Whereas iOS, seemingly wants to phase out older phones and force you to buy the latest and greatest. I know it will be a stretch to see OEMs revive old phones with an Android L but I can't wait to see what devices get it thanks to companies and developers like CyanogenMod

Posted via the Android Central App

Jerry, if you know anyone at Google, please tell them we need android auto for our tablets. I have a nexus 7 installed in the dash of my truck and I'm not the only one. I sure would like to have the UI and phone integration to go with it.

Posted via Android Central App

Ya but you have to use multiple apps

Posted via Nexus 7 2013 or verizon Galaxy S5 or maybe one day through my moto 360

I have toyed with this idea, but my concern is with the longevity of the tablet. I would gladly do this if I knew I wasn't going to have to replace it every two years. I have a Nexus 7 2012 that isn't exactly as reliable as I would like. I would be happy to purchase a new tablet, but not with the idea of having to replace it every 2 years. I have had a Pioneer Avic system in my car for 10 years and it still works great, except 2 weeks ago I lost the navigation. That's still pretty impressive.

The new Pioneer NEX system already has the ios 8 Car Play update available for download. I hope it doesn't take Google another 6 months for Android Auto. Supposedly the same unit will work on Android.

I am glad I bought oneplus one. I love cyanogenmod better than stock android. Also is $300 cheaper than nexus 6

Posted via Android Central App on 1+1

Still nothing but a pos fraud.

I would buy a Nexus long before playing the oppo game.

That says a lot

Posted by my soon to be retired Note 3

You know why you didn't get an invite? A: Because you're an angry troll who is unworthy of such a fine device. People like you should be barred from owning Android devices and limited to something more your level: an iToy.

Posted via sheer force of will from my OnePlus One!

The fact you think someone can be 'unworthy' of a phone shows how trulybcracked out you are. You OPPO fanbois are as disconnected from reality as the worst iPhans, and almost as bad as the folks with man-crushes on Cortana.

I bought a Moto G just to play with it and so far its holding up, huge downgrade from my S5, but it is still a good device.

That's right, because there are no bugs, and certainly no updates to fix those non-existent bugs, in the great state of Denial.

Why can't Android auto be on all smartphones. Lots of people use their phone as their all in one navigation system. With devices like the Note, galaxy S, and now the nexus 6. These are big devices that should be on the front of the car as entertainment/navigation system.

Posted via Android Central App

I was a bit disappointed today. That 6" phone with a high price is no longer on my wish list and is not an ergonomic device for most. It's also pricey for those buying off contract. L was announced without any release dates or information about adoptability. The Nexus player is interesting but that's it, and the tablet while nice is expensive (no nexus 7) and as someone who loves my nexus 7 because it's cheap enough to give the kids and portable enough to fit in my pocket, the nexus 9 won't replace it. I also own an iPad 4 id love to replace with a nexus so I was hoping for a nexus 10 upgrade

Posted via Android Central App

I kinda think the idea behind the nexus 9 was to go right after the iPad. Aren't they basically the same size?

I did find it interesting they decided to go 4:3 for sure.

Posted via Android Central App w/G2

The 9 is basically in between the ipad mini and ipad air in screen size but of course there will likely be brand new ipad tomorrow so the nexus 9 faces stiff competition at a similar price point

Posted via Android Central App

I use a Note 3 and my wife uses a G3 so I don't think we fall under that category. I don't have to hold the N7 to my face and can mostly (it sticks out) fit it in my pocket if I need to carry it and don't have a bag which is nice but I wouldn't use a phone like that. When we are talking 5.5"+ devices, I think those that use/want them are in the minority as you can't argue that it is less comfortable to use in 1 hand. I love having a large screen and powerful phone but the Note pushes the limit for me. I think the N6 just took it to a new level with a completely different price point. It really is less of an N5 update and more of a completely new device for a different audience

How about just to work consistently? Lol I can't get Google play music to actually play continuously to save my life. Pandora usually works flawlessly (Wtf google)

@frettfreak, it isn't the Chromecast it's most likely your router.
Grab one of those lovely ASUS AC66-68 routers and your problems will go away unless you got a truly shitty Internet connection.
Had a crappy netgear router that constantly dropped the connection on all my devices and had to be rebooted sometimes 3 times day, ASUS solved my issues.

+1 I got a ac Asus router in August of last year and my chromecast performs great granted with comcast Internet

Posted via Nexus 7 2013 or verizon Galaxy S5 or maybe one day through my moto 360

Yep can't wait, I'm glad it is available on all carriers but will be buying buying unlocked from play store. Don't ever deal with carriers other than service.

Honestly, I am only excited for the player. I have been needing a device with this subset of features. In fact, I have been eyeing android tv ever since I/O. Yes, I could have picked up an Amazon FireTv,Or an apple Tv, or a million other things. However, This just offers so much more functionality,it's not even funny. I am so happy. And can't wait to preorder.

I'm excited for it. That is probably the one of the three device will pre-order. The other two I'm waiting on 1. reviews and 2. to see how the Nexus 5 feels with Lollipop.

Posted via the Android Central App

I'd love to replace my roku 3 but I need 1 simple application to be available on this nexus box. Time warner cable, only the roku and xbox have it that I'm aware of.

If the Nexus box runs apps from the store it may just work.

I really wish one of these dang boxes would just have everything already.

Posted via Android Central App w/G2

I'm not in the hardware market so Lollipop is the big news of the day, especially the N4 and N7 2012 getting it.... Gives me hope my N5 and N7 2013 will be supported even longer than I had anticipated.

And that just rocks.

Posted from my Nexus 7 2013 via Android Central App

T-Mobile has already given a date and price:

November 12 $649/$27 a month

Posted via the Android Central App

I've been wondering about that today. Part of me thinks that Google floated the rumor of the Nexus lines' demise and replacement with Android silver just to test the waters and see how people would respond.

i've a feeling the nexus 6 is the first silver phone. flagship specs, flagship prices, google being more aggressive with the carriers... wasn't this everything we had heard silver was going to be?

Since im getting the Note 4 on Verizon I guess I'll be able to enjoy Lollipop when I trade it in for the Note 5.

Posted via Android Central App

Samsung is going to push it out fast for the note 4, what verizon does is anyone's guess

Posted by my soon to be retired Note 3

Looking forward to it, Google. I think the new Nexus devices all look great, and I can't wait to use Lollipop.

Posted via AC App on HTC One

I'm sort of glad that I got my N5 on day one. This phone might last longer than I expected. N5 might still be more popular than N6. Only if lollipop can really extend the battery life..

Posted via Android Central App

My N5 needs to be replaced. Battery is going, often dead by mid afternoon now, my white model has cracks in the casing at the sim tray, headphone jack, power and volume buttons, the white back, already not grippy, has turned into a shiny and slippery mess, and the oleophobic coating over the screen has worn off where I do most of my scrolling on the device, it looks awful in direct light. What is the current front runner to replace my year old N5?

The Nexus 5.

Is there an android device that provides better value right now? at $400 I can get a 5" 1080p phone with 32GB storage, 2GB of RAM and a Snapdragon 800 processor. Seriously, if someone was given those specs blindly not knowing that the phone was a year old, aside from the fact that it is *only* a Snapdragon 800 instead of 801 or 805, it still looks like a competent flagship in late 2014. The camera isn't market leading, but takes better pictures than people give it credit for, and I'm hoping lollipop improves the camera processing.

A year later, the Nexus 5 might actually still be the best value Android phone on the market and that is something.

Yeah I'm happy with mine, works and looks like new.. N6 price raises eyebrows just because of the $250 jump, but when you put it up against most monster phones it makes more sense. I still wouldn't get it because of the size; however the new Moto X would be a leading contender. Nice to have options - some folks felt Moto should have gone bigger with the X. If that's you, here's your phone :)

I see one helluva podcast tomorrow from Phil, Jerry, Alex, Andrew and the boys should be at least 2 hours long. Can't wait dear what Jerry has to say about all of the hardware and software developments should be a lot of fun to listen to.

Posted via the Android Central App

The nexus 6 seems like a great upgrade from my htc one m8, does it have expandable storage?

Posted via an iphone 3Gs

I just made an attempt to comment on the Note 4 post and the comments section was locked. Why?

Posted via Android Central App

Would be nice if android auto would work with existing in dash touch screens. Whether it would replace existing UI or just use the screen.

Posted via the Android Central App

Completely agree, I just got a new VW and the built in dash system is Garmin which is horrible and probably even worse than TomTom.

Posted via Android Central App

Seems like great devices. But no fingerprint sensor? Huawei featured a great touch finger print reader in their new android tablet Mate 7, so it is obviusly possible. Makes unlocking the device so much easier when you do it 100+ times a day like myself.

My guess is that Google/Motorola early chose Synaptics as a fingerprint sensor supplier, but as the project moved on they realized that they could not deliver the type of high quality sensor that they promised. Too bad Google/Motorola didn't choose to buy from Fingerprint cards instead (like Huawei did...).

I think I'll wait for the next Nexus generation (hopefully featuring a good touch fingerprint sensor).

All these announcements and yet NOTHING on the news, unlike when Apple releases a new phone. Maybe Google needs a new PR person?

Is there any chance they'd bring back a 2015 N5 with some more current internals?
Not holding my breath...just wishful thinking, I suppose. I really need to upgrade but I'm not happy with the N6's size and I'm not entirely sold on the 'competition' that I would be able to upgrade to.

If I had to replace my N5 now I'd seriously consider getting another N5, if not that then the Z3 Compact. I just don't like the 2014 design language that Moto and Google are using, that and the giganto sizes are a huge turn off.

Posted via Android Central App

What needs to be more current than the N5? Maybe a better camera? In most real world scenarios the Snapdragon 801 or 805 are no better than the 800. One of the only real tangible benefits would be the 805 is a bit more power efficient. But aside from that the N5, a year later, is still *very* competitive with a flagship like the GS5 or Moto X 2014 or One M8.

Just because it is a year old now doesn't mean that it is outdated.

I was actually looking at that one, but I'm on Sprint and so far there is no indication they will be offering the Z3C. I'd consider switching carriers if my wife hadn't just upgraded her own phone, putting us in for another 2 years already. Not worth the hassle right now.

They raise the price to basically the same level as iPhone and Samsung. The article doesn't mention if the device will be free of carrier bloat ware. If it is then ok, but if it's not doesn't that defeat the purpose of nexus?

If its going to be carrier locked and have bloatware then why would I go with this phone? I'd rather get HTC. Also, now that they've raised the price it basically made the nexus into another on contract phone and that sucks. While it has great specs, if there is nothing to differentiate it from other android phones what is it's purpose? No longer unlocked, no longer stock android, and expensive. 3 strikes and you're out.

I think Nexus 6 would be too expensive for me. The ideal phone for me would be a refreshed Nexus 5, at the same price point it currently has.

The Nexus lineup N5, N6, N7, N9, and the Player would be great if Google were to adopt an annual refresh of all these devices. That would make for a matured Nexus brand.

Posted via Android Central App

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