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Friday 27 February 2015

Ariven | One who is awake

Ariven | One who is awake


The Ariven Vision

The Ariven Vision creates, assists and collaborates to build global sanctuaries for retired animals, cows and oxen in particular. Each sanctuary grows biodynamic organic ‘intelligent’ vegetarian food while sharing its produce with the hungry. Our communities of consciousness are think tanks and initial sanctuaries are research and development entities that support creating and sustaining similar sanctuaries. The Ariven Vision intends compassions on scales to uplift humanity through the ahimsa principle.

What is Ariven?

Ariven is the meaning behind Namaste – to “know” the Oneness of it all. When we are aware of Oneness, we are Awake, the Ariven. The word “Ariven” is from ancient Tamil language that bridges with Sanskrit as with “Ari”, that means, to know.
Gautama Buddha was asked, “Are you human? Are you God”, his reply was, “I am Awake”.  Yes, we are the awake to enable compassionate passion of oneness as reality for humanity!
So, now when awaken, what shall we do? This is the Ariven Vision.

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